+5% global damage and +1% total maximum hull, maximum shields, and thrust per unspent upgrade point
While you have 5 or more unspent upgrade points, +30% body gear powers
While you have 10 or more unspent upgrade points, +15% total recovery and faster shield cooldown
While you have 20 or more unspent upgrade points, you continually have Hyperboost
Once 4 upgrade points have been stockpiled, Ataraxia is guaranteed to appear on your next upgrade screen. If you reroll, this benefit is lost. However, if you spend 1 point then reach 4 points again, Ataraxia will appear again.
Prior to the Enemies 2.0 Part 2 update, Ataraxia increased your distance of orb and power-up attraction. This effect is now present on Last Stand instead.